Origami Snoopy on House

Origami Snoopy & House

In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to fold an ORIGAMI SNOOPY and ORIGAMI HOUSE, inspired by the new Peanuts Movie coming out on November 6th, 2015. This origami / paper craft project depicts the famous image of Snoopy lying on top of his dog house. Who’s YOUR favorite Peanuts character? Mine is Snoopy, of course, followed…

origami camel origamitree.com Jenny W Chan

Origami Camel

I’ve been fiddling around with this origami camel for a few days now. It was initially meant to be a horse, but I figured – hey, there are a gazillion horse models out there – why not make it into a less appreciated animal: CAMEL? It even has a saddle. Did you know that you can buy vintage camel saddles on eBay? Who knew!

So yeah, let’s show the camel some love, haha. Here’s my origami camel! It’s still in the works, but I like it so far. It also stands on its own. Horray for standing models! 🙂

Miranda Sings Origami Series Designs and Tutorials by Jenny W Chan

Miranda Sings Origami (#MirandaSingsOrigami)

In celebration of the release of Self-Helf (Self-Help) by Miranda Sings (her new book!), I decided to design a series of Miranda Sings Origami tutorials! For those who don’t know, Miranda Sings is a fictional character played by Colleen Ballinger (now Colleen Evans!), and I have been a HUGE fan for a while now (thanks Sam Silvers for the introduction!).

Origami 3D Minions Tutorial 3D Origami OrigamiTree.com

(Faster Version) Origami 3D Minion – 3D Triangle Modular Origami

This 3D Origami tutorial is intended for viewers who HAVE previous experience folding origami 3D models! SLOWER version is also available in a separate tutorial. Here I will show you how to make an Origami 3D Minion in celebration of the new MINIONS movie coming out this summer! I am so excited for the movie! I absolutely adore minions. They’re so cute! My favorite minion is Stuart; who is yours? I hope you enjoy this origami tutorial. This is an excellent paper craft to do when you have some free time.