origami tooth money origamitree.com

$1 Tooth from the Tooth Fairy – Money Origami

Copyright Jenny W Chan 2014. This tutorial may not be reproduced without written permission! E:mail: jennywchancrafts@gmail.com Here’s a wonderful little origami tooth to fold for your kids when they lose their teeth. Say it’s from the tooth fairy! They’ll love it for sure. An extra little something for their piggy bank. 🙂 The teeth lie flat to…

graduation cap diploma money origami origamitree.com

$2 Cap & Diploma – Money Origami

COPYRIGHT JENNY W CHAN 2014. This tutorial may not be reproduced without written permission! E-mail:  jennywchancrafts@gmail.com Here are instructions to fold a Money Origami Graduation Cap and Diploma for your graduate this year. If you’re giving money, this project is perfect for you! The best part about it is that it does NOT DESTROY the value…

origami guitar with one dollar - origamitree.com

$1 Guitar – Money Origami

This money guitar doesn’t damage the bill in any way…just wrinkles it a bit and makes it look awesome! It’s probably also the only guitar you can get for $1. 🙂 You can always take it apart and use it. Another option is to use a printable dollar bill, like I did, or use a…

elephant money origami origamitree.com

$1.01 Elephant – Money Origami

I thought it would be cool to have the elephant balance a penny. 🙂 This one is a lot of fun! Tape it to a card for a unique, monetary gift! HINT: You can shape the trunk how ever way you want (pointing up, down, inwards, outwards), as long as the elephant stays balanced. I…