Origami Basket with Handle 2 - Origami OrigamiTree.com

Origami Basket with Handle (2)

In this video, I’ll show you how to make a traditional Origami Basket with a Handle! Customize the Origami Basket even more by adding stickers, writing names, and just be-dazzling it! This is a fun, easy paper craft for kids. It also holds a fair amount of candy (I used six-inch squares, but you can…

origami box OrigamiTree.com

Origami Box

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to fold a traditional origami box / container. These are great for storing little knick knacks that you may have lying around your home or office. You can put office supplies, loose jewelry, coins, small toys, and more! It also makes a great gift box (place a sticker, add…

Origami Basket With Handle

Easter Basket with Handle

Learn to make a cute little basket for Easter treats (with removable handle!) Great for parties, too. Below is a picture of how this would look like as a picture frame (just don’t inflate the basket at the very last few steps). The kid in the photo is my younger cousin, Tyler, by the way.…

origami heart with secret message origamitree.com

Origami Heart with Secret Message

This simple origami heart envelope/box is pretty neat. Once opened, it reveals a secret message! 😀 Great for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, or any day really. Please like, share, comment, favorite, watch the entire video, and subscribe if you can. It’s very important for the continuation of these DIY tutorials! THANK YOU! 🙂 Design: Francis…

origami basket 8 pointed lantern origami origamitree.com

Origami Lantern (8-Pointed Basket)

Here’s an 8-pointed star basket for all your goodies (small office supplies, jewelry, Easter egg, candies, etc.)! I used a 7″ square, which holds an egg perfectly. It even fits a votive candle, but I wouldn’t recommend it unless you’re using wax paper. You know, just so we don’t start any fires. 😉 Truthfully, it’s…