DIY Loot llama Pinata (Fortnite Battle Royal)

Learn to make a a Loot llama from Fortnite Battle Royale! Fortnite has really grown in popularity over the last couple of years and has bought many celebrities into the spotlight. These include Ninja, Ali-A and Tfue and they are making livings just playing the game! Why not check out these Tfue GamePlay settings, perhaps…

Origami Bear - Line Bear - Brown

Origami Brown the Bear (Line App)

Learn how to fold an easy origami teddy bear! This origami bear is Brown from the Line App – origami Line sticker. The DIY paper craft tutorial includes step by step instructions on how to fold a kawaii paper bear. The origami bear is easy for kids, making it a great paper crafting project for…

origami minion tutorial, Jenny W. Chan, Origami Tree

Origami Minion Tutorial

Learn to make an easy origami minion. This is an easy paper craft for kids. The origami minion uses only 1 sheet of paper and can be decorated with markers, crayons, etc. Origami Minion design by Jenny W. Chan, Origami Tree, Copyright ® 2017. Tutorial may not be replicated! SELECT MATERIALS/ADS: Stabilo Pens: Pastels…

Origami Mermaid Tutorial

Learn to make an origami / kirigami mermaid with this easy origami tutorial. This origami mermaid requires 3 sheets of paper and a pair of scissors to snip the tail. You’ll also need some glue or tape to secure the paper mermaid pieces together. The origami mermaid can be decorated with markers, glitter, sequins, and…