In this paper craft tutorial, I’ll show you how to fold an origami heart bookmark, or an origami Post-it® Note heart with a removable & hidden message! This paper Valentine’s Day craft is made with 2 Post-it® Notes and is a fun DIY origami project for kids. You can also use 2 sheets of square paper that is 3″ x 3″ if you don’t have any Post-it® Notes. Hope you like this origami heart bookmark!
Design by Jenny W. Chan, Origami Tree, Copyright 2016. Tutorial may not be replicated.
In this Star Wars origami tutorial, I'll show you how to fold a Post-it® Note BB-8 Bookmark! This Star Wars paper craft is fun and easy to make. It also utilizes the adhesive part of the post-it® note to make it a functional origami bookmark. Origami design by Jenny W.…
Learn how to fold an origami Yoda with one post-it® note! This paper craft is easy and fun for fans of origami and Star Wars. I love creating origami bookmarks from post-it® notes. The bookmark uses the adhesive part of the post-it® note and no scissors or glue! Post-it® note…
Learn to fold a unique origami bookmark! This origami bookmark has a heart at the bottom where you can write a message, and a bird with wings at the top. The heart bookmark and bird bookmark combination is an easy paper craft for kids. Kids will enjoy decorating the bird…