It’s time for the October Made By Mommy Craft Challenge! #MBMCraftChallenge
This month, I decided to make a last minute Halloween Costume! It’s a snake / serpent costume tutorial. Be sure to check out what the other participants made!
Materials for Last Minute Costume (Snake): Green mesh, zip ties, pipe cleaners, swimming arm band, orange paper, scissors
These were the rules:
1) This month you can use glue, clear tape and markers from home, no other craft materials may be added to your projects.
2) You do not need to use everything in the box. Try to include at least five different items.
3) Yes, you can use the box itself.
4) You can use scissors and other basic tools that you have around the house.
Snake Costume MBM Craft Challenge Video:
October Made By Mommy Challenge Participants:
Made By Mommy (
MBM Sisters (
MyLifeSuckers (
Olivia’s Looms and Crafts (
Whitney Sews (
Act Out Games (
Awesome Bird Videos by Truly Sweet Photography (
CraftKlatch (
HunterVlogsTV (
Jenny W Chan – (
Jon Peters Art & Home (
Kaleb’s ToyBox (
Kate Schultz (
The Dan-O Channel (
thefrugalcrafter Lindsay Weirich (
October Craft Challenge:
September’s Craft Challenge:
August’s Craft Challenge:
July’s Craft Challenge:
Looking for more crafting fun? 
Last Month’s Video: Duct Tape Ball Toss Game
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